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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Exploring race: Is Sammy Sosa whitening his skin?

Outdoor, semi-shade, summer sun

..................................................This is me-Indoors/Winter >>
Exploring race: Is Sammy Sosa whitening his skin?
Friday, October 1, 2010
International Music - Funky Dance Sound
This is a Ground Breaking Video by "Just A Band" out of Kenya that my friend DeeJay Spyace sent me. The video and the group have been on CNN and other news channels. Just Dream a Little . Do you like this video. Leave a comment:
EvolvHealth | The science and research behind Evolv
Evolv Health is on it's way to providing our communities, our nation and the globe with a bottle of water that's been enhanced with Archaea Active a formula that's designed to help cells utilize oxygen better.
Personally, my son Chad, has Sickle Cell Anemia and his nail beds have been blackish purple for years. About 1 month after he started drink Evolv, his nail beds turned pinkish. I was shocked when I first saw them. It was a beautiful site.
Check out the following Evolv Health Video featuring the science behind the "water".